Sample E-Learning Programs

I really enjoy creating and developing e-learning programs.  It is a passion I’ve had for many years – and for those that follow the industry, since the very early days of “Macromedia Authorware” and “Multimedia Toolbook“.  I even recall when the free toolset called “Hot Potatoes” was first released.  This dates back to the late 1990s.

My initial thoughts, at that time, were to develop educational CD-ROMs as that was the apex of technology in those days.  Since then though – and due to advances in networking technologies, I am more inclined to develop online training programs using a combination of a Learning Management Systems, eg, Moodle, combined with content developing applications such as Rise 360 and Articulate.  In some contexts though, networking technologies are not adequate or not suitable to provide a rich online training program and one example of this was when I consulting on the development of an ATC training program for AirNav in Indonesia.  In this situation, the remoteness of some of the ATC operations centres prevented the development and delivery of a full online training program.  For this project, we supplied one workstation training computer to each of the centres and that single system communicated at specific times to a central server to download the latest training programs as the bandwidth was not high enough to supply streamed, media rich training programs.  We also conducted periodical class based training programs in various key locations in Indonesia to assist in reinforcing the educational content.

I do digress though, you can view a sample of some of the training programs at the link below.   The link takes you to a separate industry recognised Learning Management System (LMS) which houses and serves the training material.  You will need to register on that LMS before you can enrol though as Guests are not able to participate in any of the courses.

Click here to access the Online Learning Management System

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