A documented SMS allows an organization to ensure that all safety risks have been identified, assessed and satisfactorily mitigated (Eurocontrol, 2000). Essentially, an organizational SMS is a managed dynamic document that includes a site-specific safety plan; a listing of safety policies, procedures and processes; detailed information relating to training and induction; documentation relating to monitoring and reporting of hazards, incidents and risks – and finally details about management and responsibility (CASA, 2016).
From an ANSP perspective, an organizational SMS would include the identification of a site safety manager; a detailed site plan with information about handling of emergencies (and emergency locations); risk assessment against identified safety issues in the immediate work environment (e.g. Tower controls/interfaces and infrastructure); hazard identification at airports and other working environments (e.g. power and fuel facilities) and also staff and resource issues relating to safety communication, training and even detailing procedures that staff and third parties must follow in the event of an emergency. An SMS would also include the management commitment and responsibility (CASA, 2016).
Due to the varying nature of different work environments and organizational practices, an SMS for one ANSP would not be the same as an SMS for a different ANSP. Although management techniques may be similar, different work environments will have different safety hazards and risks and each of these hazards and risks will need to be separately managed in a way that suits the respective environment.
Finally, it is vitally important that management are focused on the organizational SMS and play a key role in the implementation, acceptance and understanding of the SMS. This management responsibility is addressed by Eurocontrol who state an organization (ANSP) shall ensure that the highest level of the service provider organisation plays a general role in ensuring safety management (Eurocontrol, 2000).
CASA, 2016. What is safety management and safety management systems?. [Online]
Available at: https://www.casa.gov.au/safety-management/standard-page/what-safety-management-and-safety-management-systems
[Accessed 10 June 2018].
Eurocontrol, 2000. ESARR 3 – Use of Safety Management Systems by ATM Service Providers, Brussels, Belgium.: Eurocontrol.
ICAO, 2016. Annex 19 – Safety Management, Montreal, Canada: ICAO.